Fakum12: United Kingdom: $49.99/$57.99
Balgin: I'm only being charged $39.99/$44.99 here in little old England. Perhaps those numbers would change if I actually tried to make a purchase otherwise I fear the information you've been given might be slightly inaccurate. Or Gog changed the price overnight.
Seems to be a discrepancy between the prices listed on the "Age of Wonders games on GoG.com" side panel and the actual pre-order price on the game's page.
I'm seeing £$39.99 for the Standard Edition and $44.99 for the Deluxe Edition on the side panel, but the actual pre-order prices from the game pages are £29.99 (
$50.04) for the Standard Edition and £34.99 (
$58.39) for the Deluxe Edition.
UK here too, by the way.