Mimo: Bump.
Get this show on the road and give me some good turn logs! I can autopopulate a few for you...
Blaneck: I am the the Mohammed Ali of AoW. I am the greatest. All of you will die. Long live the Goblins, er, I mean Dark Elves with lots of Goblin friends. TS.
Vitek: Dammit. I just lost my favorite hero. Gawd I suck at this. TS.
Senteria: I'll finish my turn tomorrow. I only had two hours to cycle through my six units which isn't enough time for my IBM Watson like brain to process everything. The Dwarves are moving too many units near me. They better watch out. Stay away from weed kids. Don't visit me in Amsterdam. TS.
Greyhuntr: TS.
New guy: You guys are loons. It's a good thing I have real world friends and don't need you guys to be my friends. TS.
What did I do? I don't think I even have much of a force near you. Unless you are near the highmen and azracs, in which case, maybe. :)