BlaneckW: I installed the wrapper before I installed AOWSM on my new Windows 8 laptop, and it's not detecting AOWSM (not sure if that's why). Isn't showing up in the list of games in the wrapper. Reinstallations aren't helping. I assume this is due to a registry setting.
I recently had the same problem and found a solution.
I am using the Humble version of AOWSM but I think that the issue has the same origin.
The problem is that these versions do not create the same registry entries as the CD or Steam versions.
Please check whether you have the following entry in your registry (regedit):
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Triumph Studios\Age of Wonders Shadow Magic\General\Root Directory = C:\Program Files (x86)\Triumph Studios\Age of Wonders Shadow Magic
If you do not have it, please create this entry and replace the game path by yours.
You should have an entry called "InstallDir" but this is not enough for the wrapper. But you can just simply copy the shown install path and use it for the new created "Root Directory" entry.
Just restart the wrapper and it should detect now AOWSM.
I hope this helps.