amccour: I like most of the changes brought about by Dwiggs; however, 5.0 introduces a lot of new heroes which feel rather... extraneous to me. It also introduces three new races that replace old SM races and I'm not really big on that either (unless it's NOT supposed to replace races, in which case, er, what?)
So, yeah, can I use Dwiggs 4 with SM u1.4, or is Dwiggs 4 strictly for 1.3? And if that's the case are there any similar mods that work well (slow city growth, early units still relevant in the late game, etc.).
I have no idea! However, thanks for pointing out that the things I didn't like about dwiggs are apparently only added in 5 :) I'll give it a try and will let you know if I run into trouble. I think in the end your best bet is installing dw4 before the patch?
EDIT: reading through the dw5 thread on it seems it *is* supposed to replace the races. I sort of half hoped I had missed a step in the installation or something. Ah well, dw4 it is.
EDIT2: I found this comment too, no one replied to it however:
``I'm new here although i play aow2 sm for years now.i have a question. are dwigmod 4.0 and u patch 1.4 compatible? i'v installed u patch 1.4 over aow2SM and then dwigmod 4.0 following instructions. and when i start the scenarios made for u1.4 like groll's gates of elocin all the graphics of objects from 1.4 are it possible to keep the graphics and play scenario with dwiggs rule set?''
So it seems that at least there'll be problems with 1.4 specific maps.