CrimsonShield87: I'm seeing a lot of fixes concerning playing Age of Wonders in windowed mode, but when I click the Start>Programs> Age of Wonders> AoW Setup I get the initial install screen as if I was trying to install the game via disc. I only have the options of installing the game via this window or exiting the installer. I've installed this game through Steam and GoG with exact same results in this matter. I'm straining my eyes to even play this game, but at least it's smoother than Steam. Steam had a bunch of errors that I could not fix, so I went through GoG with better results.
Any advice on how to get to the settings options through since I'm only getting the Install or Exit options?
Thanks in advance!
That's a registry issue by the sounds of it. If you look for the '/triumph\studios/age\of\wonders/aow.exe' and create a shortcut to that executable, you will be able to enter the game without the installer prompt. Within the game you can start a map and then access the display settings. If you are having weird rendering issues preventing you from reaching that step, you can try manually adjusting (reducing) the Windows display resolution to get to the next step.
This is all assuming you are using Windows. If you are using a Linux/GNU setup there are different things to look for.