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Is it possible to install the Warlock's Ruleset mod on the AoW 1 Download from GOG?
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Although, I have no idea what is Warlock's ruleset, I don't see why it shouldn't be possible.

Prepost-edit: Googled it and it should work on GOG verison, other question is if it works on Win 7 or even XP.

Secondprepost-edit: Found this. Fix to run it on WIn 7. Someone there specifically mentioned that he used it with GOG version.
Interesting rule changes... (Copied from Heavengames)

Age of Wonders v1.36.0053 - Changes - Warlock's Rule-Set v1.10

Sound Changes
Astra ............ Added fire noise to sword attack
Salamander ....... Added fire noise to sword attack
FirstBorn ........ Added lightning noise to attack
DoomPriest ....... Added lightning noise to attack
BloodLust ........ Added a sound effect for this place.

Unit Stat Changes
Ballista ......... -10cost(92)
TurtleBallista ... -10cost(92)
Shredder ......... -10cost(105)

Frostlings ....... -Ballista
Azracs ........... -Ballista
Undead ........... -Ballista
Elves ............ -Ballista
Halflings ........ -Ballista
Goblins .......... -Ballista
Goblins .......... -BatteringRam
Lizardmen ........ -BatteringRam

Wolf ............. +Conceal +6cost(18)
Serpent .......... +WaterConceal
DoomPriest ....... -DeaSt +LigSt +1At(4) +1Dm(3) +4cost(46)
GiantSlug ........ +WallClimb +4cost(16)
Balloon .......... +PhyPr +MagPr -4hitpoints(8)
NatureElemental .. -3Rs(5) +NaturesBlessing +40cost(310)
UndeadMummy ...... hitpoints(11) +PoiSt +1Dm(5)
Mermaid .......... +2Df(5)
Saint ............ +2At(5)
Druid ............ +Mark2 -Entangle +EntangleStrike -1Rs(6)
Syron ............ -PoiIm
AirGalley ........ -2Transport
Nymph ............ +4cost(24)
AzracPriest ...... +2cost(32)
WolfRider ........ +2cost(43)
LadyOfPain ....... +4cost(18)
SpiderQueen ...... +15cost(85)
Scorpion ......... +3At(6) -1Dm(2) -1Df(2) +3cost(18)
Kobold ........... +2At(6) -1Df(1) +2cost(16)
Elephant ......... +6cost(48)
AirElemental ..... -1hitpoint(11)
WaterElemental ... -1hitpoint(13)
EarthElemental ... +2hitpoints(22)

All Summoned ..... +MagicStrike
All Machines ..... +DeaPr
Air-Units ........ -1Df -5% cost (Units with 36 movement were not reduced in cost)
Archers .......... +1Rs or -1cost
All Ships ........ +1Df (Some +Marks?)

An attempt to make swordsmen better.
Hgh Swordsman .... +1At(5) +5cost(23)
Elf Swordsman .... +NaturesBlessing
Hlf Swordsman .... +1At(5) +3cost(17)
Dwa Swordsman .... +1At(5) +cost(20)
Dwa Berserker .... +1At(5) +9cost(27)
Hum Swordsman .... +1At(5) -2move(26) +2cost(18)
Hum Pikeman ...... +1At(5) +7cost(24)
Liz Swordsman .... +1At(5) +5cost(20)
Fro Sworsdman .... +1At(5) +5cost(20)
Azr Swordsman .... +Parry +4cost(20)
Orc Swordsman .... unchanged
Gob Swordsman .... +1At(5) +3cost(15)
Dlf Swordsman .... +Bloodlust
Und Swordsman .... +1At(5) +5cost(23)

Experience at Silver or Gold
Something I didn't write down that always existed, when it reached gold level
Karagh ........... G:PoiIm

Avenger .......... +G:PoiIm
Saint ............ +G:MagPr +G:PhyPr
Nymph ............ +G:PhyPr
LadyOfPain ....... +G:CausFear
Satyr ............ +S:CausFear
Centaur .......... +S:Vision1 +G:NiVis
Sandworm ......... +G:FireBreath
AzracPriest ...... +G:CallFlames
WolfRider ........ +S:SnowConc
Reaper ........... +S:PhyPr
Beholder ......... +S:Vision2 +G:Mark1
NatureElemental .. +S+G:NaturesBlessing
Druid ............ +S:Mark3 +G:Mark4
FireElemental .... +S:Mark1 +G:Mark2
Basilisk ......... +G:Mark1

Ability & Spells
Seduce ........... +3At(7) it only affects living non-creature males.

HealingWater ..... +2castcost(13)
FreeMovement ..... -7castcost(5)
WaterWalking ..... +20castcost(34) +1upkeep(5)
Bless ............ -1upkeep(1) +3castcost(8)
Fury ............. -1upkeep(1)
LifeMastery ...... -5upkeep(35)
Shockwave ........ +2Dm(10)
SolarFlare ....... +4Range(16)
DeathRay ......... +4Range(16)
FlamingArrow ..... +4Range(16)
ChainLightning ... -2Range(10)
SacredWrath ...... +1Dm(6)
Tremors .......... +1Dm(6)
WindsOfFury ...... +1Dm(7)
FireBreath ....... +2Dm(7)
CostBreath ....... +2Dm(7)
Geyser ........... +2Dm(9) +60researchcost(180)
FrostBeam ........ +1Dm(4) +60researchcost(180)
Terror ........... +1castcost(16)
Remedy ........... -2castcost(6)
HighPrayer ....... -3castcost(15)
CallFlames ....... 2xFire +2castcost(8)
DiseaseCloud ..... +Level(2) +4Dm(7) +10castcost(18) +70researchcost(122)
Vaporize ......... +Level(3) Range(16) At(9) Dm(4) 2xFire castcost(16)

DiseaseCloud pushed up a level and higher mana because the spell was
CPU intensive and took a long time to cast.
Vaporize made level-3 because the current Air level-3 spell is poor.
CallFlames was simply made a little more interesting.

Spells of longer range open up various new strategies.
Can give an advantage to an attacking hero/leader.

New Units
Elves ........ Freezer Machine New
Halflings .... Halfling Priestess New
Lizardmen .... Lizardman Champion New
Azracs ....... Azrac Noble Horse Rider New
Frostlings ... White Wolf New (Looks the same as the Wolf)
Goblins ...... Wolf -
Goblins ...... Goblin Warlock New
Undead ....... Necromancer New
UnholyGuild .. Werewolf New
UnholyGuild .. Undead Lich New
HolyGuild .... Wizard New
HolyGuild .... Ancient Mercury Dragon New

Unit-Name Cost At Dm Df Rs Mov Typ HP Lv Abilities
WhiteWolf No 18 4 2 2 2 36 F 4 1 ColPr SnowConc
NobleRider Go 88 7 4 3 4 40 W 10 3 FirIm Charge S:RoundAttack G:Frls G:Leadership
Necromancer PE 72 5 2 3 6 26 W 5 3 DeaIm (Col Poi Mag Phy)Pr Frls ColSt DeaSt ExtraSt TuUnd4
= LifeSteal WasteConc S:DoomGaze S:Leadership G:Mark2
Freezer No 66 1 1 4 3 20 W 6 2 PoiIm (Mag Col Phy)Pr Frls ColdBreath
AncientDrag PG 350 6 5 2 8 32 A 24 4 (Dea Hol Fir Col)Pr Frls Vis3 ExtraSt DragonSlay
UndeadLich PE 350 6 3 3 4 26 W 12 4 (Fir Poi Col Lig Dea Phy)Im MagPr Frls Regen NiVis
= DragonSlay ColSt CausFear GasBreath MagB Mark4
LizardChamp Ne 100 5 3 6 3 26 WS 8 3 (Dea Fir Poi Lig Mag Col Phy)Pr Entangle NaturesBless
= G:VenomSpit G:Leadership S+G:NaturesBless
Werewolf PE 150 5 5 3 3 32 F 32 2 PhyIm NiVis Regen Conc PoiSt Bloodlust S+G:Bloodlust
Priestess PG 85 4 2 6 6 24 W 7 3 HolIm DeaPr PoiPr TuUnd4 Heal DiMag2 Mark4 MagSt
= HoSt HolB MagB S:DeaIm S:DiMag3 G:Vis1 G:Frls
Warlock PE 85 5 4 4 5 24 W 9 3 FirIm PoiIm TuUnd2 Heal DiMag2 NiVis CavCr Mark4 MagSt
= FirSt MagB FlamTh CalFlam S:TD+1 G:TuUnd4 G:Vis1 G:Frls
Wizard PG 100 5 3 3 7 24 W 7 2 (Fir Col Lig Hol Mag)Pr TuUnd2 Heal DiMag2 Mark4 MagSt
= ColSt MagB ColB TruSe S:TD+1 G:TuUnd4 G:Vis1 G:Frls
= G:FirIm G:ColIm G:HolIm

If your a Fan of undead you will like warlock's mod pack
We should take a moment to remember the more Tolkienesque Orcs of AOW1 and hope that they and the Goblins are restored.