PetrusOctavianus: That's all good advice on how to make the game too easy and IMO too boring.
powerhouse5000: Don't know if I should feel flattered or insulted over that.
Well, it *is* good advice on how to make a powerful leader.
But with too powerful a leader the strategy part pf the game kind of flies out the window, when your leader can just head for the enemy leader and assassinate them. DEF 10, First Strike and Cold/Lightning Strike is a combo that is almost impossible to counter, at least without magic.
But as I said, the OP leader is a general weakness of the first AoW game.
When I replayed it recently I deliberately nerfed my leader, first by choosing a default one and thus no elemental damage skills, and then by waiting with pumping up Defense.
I think it makes the game more enjoyable that way, even if it takes more micro management. But as the undead the game kind of breaks apart when you can easily get PI units, so that path is my least favourite of all the campaign paths (it also has rather boring maps, some more suitable for multi-player).