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Hi, I got a problem with a game's text not displaying properly. In some situation i can see text going out of the window UI or not a proper placement in the window. While it is not a problem with all the text, it can break immersion for me. I tried and change resolutions, font scaling, font types with no success.

Post edited March 16, 2021 by PnPride
Noticed this post is almost a year old but I have the same issue :(

it's a shame really, from what I understand this game has been in development since the early 90's or so. Seeing these kinds of little mistakes really brings down the overall game quality and feel. (fair to mention that it has been in development as a text based game, the graphical version is more recent)

You could make the argument they invested their time and energy in Ultimate ADOM over the last few years but from what I gathered that game turned out pretty lack-luster.
Sorry for the delayed reply to this thread.

The problems described are most likely an issue with NotEye which is used to provide the GUI for ADOM. If you hit Ctrl-M, this will bring up the NotEye configuration menu which should provide options to change resolution, scaling and font usage - changing these settings may resolve the display issues.