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I really enjoy adventure games. I did not enjoy this one. I did like the art style, animations and graphics.

However, the story is terrible. The voice acing is terrible. The script (English version) is atrocious. It is very much immersion breaking when the characters say things or use phrases which, although they may make sense and be quite common in their native tongue, just don't work in English. The translation is poor. More importantly, a number of the puzzles just don't make sense. A lot of them are straight forward but there were a few times when I had to look something up and thought to myself that I would never have come up with that without a hint.

Anyway, I finished the game. The story was interesting but I was disappointed with how professional looking the graphics were compared to how amateurish the story was. There are also a few bugs (like not being able to save your game after chapter 6I could not recommend this game less...