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garvanell: Thanks for the info all.

Regarding the LAN option in Grey Goo: OF COURSE that didn't get much usage (and how did you count/measure that, anyway..). Easy - Grey Goo is DRMed by steam.
So why should I use the LAN option if I have to use steam anyway? Then I can just use the 'easy' internet option.

We are three friends having bought Grey Goo, would've loved a GOG release with LAN but sadly, it hasn't happened so far.

Just to prove my support to you so far... (no I didn't get C&C 1 and Emperor Battle for Dune from the basement...)
Where these guys behind Emperor too? In that case I want to give a right royal slap for not including LAN play.

While barely excusable now, back then Broadband was a very expensive luxury at a 128Kb trickle.
mechmouse: Where these guys behind Emperor too? In that case I want to give a right royal slap for not including LAN play.

While barely excusable now, back then Broadband was a very expensive luxury at a 128Kb trickle.
As far as I can see, yes, all of them:

Westwood, Westwood aaaaand.. Westwood.

Well for me this whole LAN missing thing would be okay if there was dedicated server software and you could connect to one you set up, but in this case it's not really DRM free. As said there are lots of games (as those listed above) you can just start up today (with more or less hassle of course, to be honest) and play multiplayer.

I am still sad this can't be said for grey goo and always wished for a game like C&C (best RA2: Yuri) or Universe at War (play it today! Still very good!) and although 8-bit armies propably won't scratch that itch completely it might prove to be a small gem for LAN play. If it were there.

BTW go vote :)
Post edited April 24, 2016 by garvanell
garvanell: Westwood, Westwood aaaaand.. Westwood.
I had thought by the time of Emperor, EA had fairly much swallowed Westwood and it was barely the original team.

At the time I was Livid, absolutely fuming, after spending £60+ on two copies of the game and really looking forward to doing the co-op campaign with the misses to find out it needed internet connection.

I took the discs back the same day, less than 2 hours after purchasing them.
mechmouse: Let me start by saying thanks to petroglyph for Releasing 8 Bit Armies on GoG. I've just bought it hoping for a new C+C experience.

However I'm severely disappointed that there is no LAN option. Local LAN play should never be an optional extra or luxury for any networked game. It is absolutely ridiculous that I need to connect to a 3rd party server to play a co-op game with my wife or children. Lack of LAN severely limits the last-ability of a multiplayer game. Me and my wife still play Red Alert 2 in co-op 15 years after its release

I wonder if the Devs can confirm whether LAN play is a definite addition to come?

DRM Free where a major component is bound to a 3rd party external service whose existence is out side the control of the purchaser, is not fully DRM free. Local LAN play for multiplayer games, should be prerequisite for GoG release.
LiqMat: I emailed the dev yesterday about this very fact and I emailed GOG as well. This IS in FACT DRM no matter how you slice it! Hey GOG, you want to see this loyal customer flee with fervor? I was surprised there was no LAN option as well. I have never had to install Galaxy before to enable certain features in a game so this is a first for me on GOG. So here is the response I received from Petroglyph:

"Hey ****,

We had a LAN option in Grey Goo and it didn’t seem like it was getting used all that much. I’ll definitely bring it up to the guys internally and see what they say though.

Thanks for all the support! We really appreciate it."

Now let me be clear the guys over at Petroglyph care about this release because they are hammering away at patches and keeping tabs on the forums and responding quickly, BUT this is a black eye for GOG and their DRM free sales pitch that they would allow a very critical feature to be crippled unless you use an online only dependency. I told GOG in an email this is no different than DRM. I never received a response back.

I hope this is not a shift in direction for GOG because if more titles start being dependent on Galaxy to function properly watch how fast I stop spending my money on GOG releases!
Galaxy required for online play, cross-plat with Steam users, is literally no different than simple key checks years ago, considering our options of pretty much only gog or Steam, and the fact you don't need Galaxy for single player, is a damn good trade off. I'll take Galaxy for MP features any day over Steams once a month validation for games regardless of features..
Post edited April 24, 2016 by Flesh420.613
LiqMat: I emailed the dev yesterday about this very fact and I emailed GOG as well. This IS in FACT DRM no matter how you slice it! Hey GOG, you want to see this loyal customer flee with fervor? I was surprised there was no LAN option as well. I have never had to install Galaxy before to enable certain features in a game so this is a first for me on GOG. So here is the response I received from Petroglyph:

"Hey ****,

We had a LAN option in Grey Goo and it didn’t seem like it was getting used all that much. I’ll definitely bring it up to the guys internally and see what they say though.

Thanks for all the support! We really appreciate it."

Now let me be clear the guys over at Petroglyph care about this release because they are hammering away at patches and keeping tabs on the forums and responding quickly, BUT this is a black eye for GOG and their DRM free sales pitch that they would allow a very critical feature to be crippled unless you use an online only dependency. I told GOG in an email this is no different than DRM. I never received a response back.

I hope this is not a shift in direction for GOG because if more titles start being dependent on Galaxy to function properly watch how fast I stop spending my money on GOG releases!
Flesh420.613: Galaxy required for online play, cross-plat with Steam users, is literally no different than simple key checks years ago, considering our options of pretty much only gog or Steam, and the fact you don't need Galaxy for single player, is a damn good trade off. I'll take Galaxy for MP features any day over Steams once a month validation for games regardless of features..
No. Because if I want to play this years from now and Galaxy has gone to another galaxy far, far away you are screwed ever playing this multiplayer. Not cool and not DRM free as far as I am concerned. Luckily the dev is considering it which would make a lot of old school RTS players very happy who remember how awesome localized LAN parties were without needing an Internet connection. Direct IP internet play was fun as well. I hope they come through.
Post edited April 24, 2016 by LiqMat
Hopefully someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

I believe Galaxy and Steam act as brokers, authenticating and storing some ranking and statistical data, however the actual multiplayer servers are under the control of the publisher.

At some point the publisher will stop supporting the servers. That is an absolute, it will happen.

I'd like to think GoG would have a clause to get the source for the servers to continue support.
mechmouse: Hopefully someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

I believe Galaxy and Steam act as brokers, authenticating and storing some ranking and statistical data, however the actual multiplayer servers are under the control of the publisher.

At some point the publisher will stop supporting the servers. That is an absolute, it will happen.

I'd like to think GoG would have a clause to get the source for the servers to continue support.
You're correct Mechmouse. We're using GoG's backend to store game data like achievements, game settings and campaign progress. Servers are handled by Petroglyph.

mechmouse: Hopefully someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

I believe Galaxy and Steam act as brokers, authenticating and storing some ranking and statistical data, however the actual multiplayer servers are under the control of the publisher.

At some point the publisher will stop supporting the servers. That is an absolute, it will happen.

I'd like to think GoG would have a clause to get the source for the servers to continue support.
8BitArmies: You're correct Mechmouse. We're using GoG's backend to store game data like achievements, game settings and campaign progress. Servers are handled by Petroglyph.

But you are industry veterans.

You guys have created games that endured decades.
You've seen first hand the demise of various gaming servers and their connected games.

Do you think you've created a game so devoid of the excellence of your past that it will happily fade away?
Or Will me and the misses be able to play this game in our retirement home?

I know we will be able to play RA2, and scare the rest of the old biddies with shouts of "Kerching" and "Oh there it is!".
mechmouse: But you are industry veterans.

You guys have created games that endured decades.
You've seen first hand the demise of various gaming servers and their connected games.

Do you think you've created a game so devoid of the excellence of your past that it will happily fade away?
Or Will me and the misses be able to play this game in our retirement home?

I know we will be able to play RA2, and scare the rest of the old biddies with shouts of "Kerching" and "Oh there it is!".
I am sure they are absolutely aware of what they are doing. Internally someone thought it would be a good idea and now we and the internal opponents are fighting the good fight.
LiqMat: Now let me be clear the guys over at Petroglyph care about this release because they are hammering away at patches and keeping tabs on the forums and responding quickly, BUT this is a black eye for GOG and their DRM free sales pitch that they would allow a very critical feature to be crippled unless you use an online only dependency. I told GOG in an email this is no different than DRM. I never received a response back.

I hope this is not a shift in direction for GOG because if more titles start being dependent on Galaxy to function properly watch how fast I stop spending my money on GOG releases!
Multiplayer without galaxy would be awesome. Didnt gog say at its release that galaxy will remain fully optional?
LiqMat: Now let me be clear the guys over at Petroglyph care about this release because they are hammering away at patches and keeping tabs on the forums and responding quickly, BUT this is a black eye for GOG and their DRM free sales pitch that they would allow a very critical feature to be crippled unless you use an online only dependency. I told GOG in an email this is no different than DRM. I never received a response back.

I hope this is not a shift in direction for GOG because if more titles start being dependent on Galaxy to function properly watch how fast I stop spending my money on GOG releases!
icecremberni: Multiplayer without galaxy would be awesome. Didnt gog say at its release that galaxy will remain fully optional?
To be fair, it IS optional. Because you do not need Galaxy to play the game in general. However Galaxy was also advertised as a platform for online gaming capabilities. To quote the Galaxy announcement trailer: "Sure, if you want to play online, you have to be connected."
And I think for Online Multiplayer this is absolutely okay. I think Galaxy makes it easier for devs and players. I see it in this game, seen it in Dying Light. But the latter also provided a LAN mode for non-Internet games and sure I would love to see that in this game here, too. But this is up to the developers.
Post edited April 26, 2016 by 8BitChris
I just wanted to lend my voice to the choir that I want LAN support. RTS games really lend themselves to LAN parties. If the devs see this and ever think about adding it via a future patch that would be fantastic. Or, if it would be a feature in a future game I will also be sure to support. (I'm assuming there's a sequel planned with a medieval or fantasy theme by the pic on the menu) Thanks in advance, and good job on the game.
Really sad that GoG is not pushing for multiplayer to be DRM free.
ZellSF: Really sad that GoG is not pushing for multiplayer to be DRM free.
Vote with your wallet. If more games become dependent on Galaxy to enable critical features I don't spend my money on those titles. Luckily this dev seems very receptive to the requests of its customers, but not all devs will be like that. As mechmouse said, "Local LAN play for multiplayer games, should be prerequisite for GoG release." I fully endorse that statement.
Post edited April 26, 2016 by LiqMat
I'm with you Liqmat!