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Yup, basically runs on my 64 Bit Ubuntu 10.10 with Wine 1.2.1. On the first start, I configured my Joypad and even my Logitech RumblePad2 rumbled with the grumbling motor engines! :-) But as LEFT/RIGHT didn't work right, I reconfigured my keyboard and since then sound is missing in the game (just is there in the menu). Disabling pulseaudio also didn't help.

Any hints?
Post edited November 05, 2010 by outcast1
3 years after the first post here, i can say i use the latest wine version and the game works PERFECTLY.

Linux gamers: Enjoy!
Crashes on startup. multilib/wine 1.9.14-1 [installed]
Runs great again with Ubuntu 18.04.01 and WIne 3.14 :-D
siegfriedrox: 3 years after the first post here, i can say i use the latest wine version and the game works PERFECTLY.

Linux gamers: Enjoy!
This post was from a decade ago. I'm using the latest version of Wine, but I can't get it to launch in Heroic Game Launcher. How did you get it working?