Gibbous - A Cthulhu Adventure's official soundtrack, containing 26 warm and dark tracks that accompany you throughout the game. Over two hours of original music, recorded with live instruments! Composed by Cami Cuibus & Liviu Boar
Available in MP3 and FLAC formats, 44100 Hz, Stereo
1. Gibbous Main...
Gibbous - A Cthulhu Adventure's official soundtrack, containing 26 warm and dark tracks that accompany you throughout the game. Over two hours of original music, recorded with live instruments! Composed by Cami Cuibus & Liviu Boar
Available in MP3 and FLAC formats, 44100 Hz, Stereo
1. Gibbous Main Theme (3:49)
2. Darker Deeds (5:19)
3. Miskatonic Library (5:45)
4. Lemon's Secret (7:11)
5. Streets of Darkham (6:59)
6. The Ketype Shuffle (2:39)
7. Voodoo Business (2:47)
8. Detention Dirge (7:40)
9. Starry Knowledge (2:44)
10. The Fishmouth Waltz, part 1 (3:00)
11. The Harbor (5:23)
12. The Fishmouth Waltz, part 2 (4:43)
13. Do the Dagon (5:06)
14. Ciuleandra (6:23)
15. The Inn (4:22)
16. Corvinus (3:11)
17. Blestem (7:31)
18. Intuneric (6:39)
19. Lugubrious Lament (6:24)
20. Gumshoe Gumption (4:49)
21. The Festival (2:07)
22. The Puppet Master (4:25)
23. Don After Dark (5:28)
24. Non-Euclidean (3:11)
25. The Butcher's Theme (6:21)
26. Gibbous Main Theme Reprise (Time to Rock 'n Roll) (2:13)
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