One of the best games of all time. Seriously, it should be a crime that you can barely play this game without emulation or an older console. Vagrant Story is one of those games that sticks with you. I could deep dive into the technical challenges, the comic book aesthetic, the amazing and challenging combat system, but I doubt I could find the words to properly do it justice. I haven't even touched on the story, the amazing writing and characters. Ashley and Sydney alone make this game worth playing. I mentioned the combat, but this game provides a good challenge, it will make you think and test your knowledge of the games systems and mechanics, but it never feels cheap or unfair. What else can I say? The music is so good, I listen to the soundtrack fairly often. I suppose I have to mention this? Vagrant Story was primarily developed by the team responsible for Final Fantasy Tactics, with Yasumi Matsuno serving as director, producer, designer, and writer. Yes, there is Ivalice connections in the game. What more can I say to sell this game? Go watch the opening movie and tell me it doesn't get you hyped to play the game. Please, please, bring back Vagrant Story!