This was a game that has a big place in my heart. It was a project with a very ambitious concept with a few technical innovations ahead of it's time in the year of Half-Life (1998). Sadly due to pressure from the publisher the development team didn't have enough time to flesh out all of it's ideas and had to rush development to meet a deadline, causing the game to be heavily underdeveloped. It was buggy and felt like it was missing a lot of pieces, making it play like a concept or alpha stage project. But with Anne's and Hammon's voice acting adding a lot of natural sounding "Jurassic Lore", good sound effects, music and visual assets there was a sense of Jurassic Park authenticity that lifted a broken game into a memorable experience.
Gameplay wise there wasn't a lot too it, even though the control method and physical world interactions made surviving and navigating the world a clunky but also dynamic exprience.
There was an impressive amount of guns, especially for a game where you wouldn't expect a large variety of firearms. Trespasser had all the basic weaponry and a whole lot of extra stuff you would find in random corners, from stun batons to very specific submachine guns.
For me one of the most interesting features were the fully dynamic dinosaur skeletal animations, which were physics-based and therefor dinosaurs could trip, stumble and react to physical impact. Not without error as the state of the game was unfished but you could see the potential. A technical innovation that hasn't been replicated until we had "Euphoria".
Another thing this game did really well was creating a authentic sense of place. Even though the terrain detail was lacking, the environments felt big and natural somehow and any human abandoned structure had a realistic look and design to them. Especially the bigger towns felt like people lived there, it was amazing to explore and find little easter eggs. And you did feel like you were on a dangerous journey.