I remember playing this game on my friends PC and really loved this little advertising game. This was when they really put a lot of effort into advertising that was also entertaining. And what better way than doing a computer gane, right? As someone who came from consoles and only slowly approached the world of PC gaming in the late 90s, this game still has a big place in my heart because you never really saw these kind of things on consoles. Except maybe for Cool Spot (which was the mascot of 7up) or maybe Pepsi Man for the Playstation 1 and maybe also Global Gladiators for the Game Gear and Master System, which kinda worked as a McDonalds advert game but that's kinda where it ends. It's a shame those cute little entertaining ad-games have come out of fashion but i think this game was definitely a great platformer, family friendly, challenging and definitely worthy being known more today and also being preserved.