Star Ocean The Second Story is for me by far the best RPG game ever made. This game had an epic story, awesome mechanics like using skills and they got stronger, changed how they looked like, crafting, cooking arena, fighting arena, many secrets, many endings, many characters you could unlock and I can't remember how many hours I've put into that game. I had like 5 memory sticks and all of them where full with mostly Star Ocean saves. One Memory stick even had 8 sides. Gosh this game shaped my childhood. There is an remaster of it but Square Enix changed many things and even removed good things like the cooking arena. They've added an horrible cooking button smash that I never used. I loved to cook in the original Star Ocean 2. I've spent sooo many hours with my friends and family just with that cooking arena mechanic. Most of the skills in the remake are horribly boring and weak. The original had so many cool skills and most of them are just useless in the remake. The remake is still a good game but because of these points it's just not what I remember it to be. It feels just not right. SO2 was and still is the best RPG for me and I guess it will never change.