This is the best non-Insomniac Spyro game. It's not perfect, Spyro's jumps are floaty and some of the other characters control awkwardly, particularly Blink. On top of that, this game has a few bugs which had me scratching my head as a kid, particularly the map filling bug for Stormy Beach. Despite some of these gripes I have, this 6th gen 3D platformer is a good time. I replayed it as an adult after not having touched it for over a decade and despite not finishing it, I was shocked by how well it held up despite the jankiness, and I actually enjoyed it more as an adult than I did as a kid. I do have to admit though the writing doesn't hold up, these are def 2000s jokes alright.
This game desperately needs a rerelease imo. I think it would be a decent game to play for anyone new to Spyro who liked Reignited and wants more of the purple dragon. I have no idea if we'll ever get a Spyro 4 or not, so I think a rerelease of this game would be a good compromise. A rerelease would also be a great chance to fix some bugs, if possible ofc.