I had Skullmonkeys on PS1. I didn't know until years later. This was a follow up to a game called The Neverhood. Some of those people later came back to make Armikrog. Which I recently gotten in a ridiculously huge Christmas GOG purchase. I'm a sucker for clay animation as a whole. One of my absolute favorite shows was MTV's Celebrity Deathmatch. I also grew up with a few ClayFighter games as well. This had to been the single strangest PS1 game I had growing up. The game is so unexpected as well as some strangely interesting. You quickly become curious to see what else is in the game. Virtually Skullmonkeys is a game I can't compare to many games. I always remembered the clay animation within the cut scenes. The usage of audio as a whole really sells you on this game. This possibly the weirdest platformer of the 90s. In all honestly, if you're a fan of The Neverhood, clay animation or want something different. You better believe Skullmonkeys truly delivers. I actually do believe this game would sell well on here. People forget the 90s had some rather unique stuff that always stuck with people.