All it took was one play through of Skies of Arcadia Legends to fall head over heels in love with it. I never owned a Dreamcast or a gamecube during their prime and I was still caught under its spell. While other RPGs at the turn of the millennium were focused on dark, gritty stories that aimed to explore the psychology of their protagonists, the late Rie Kodama and her team sought to create something bright and refreshing. She saw the then contemporary gaming landscape for what it truly was: a fad. Here enlies a tale of three young friends, who all love each other dearly, exploring the world for what might be the last time in their lives. I can't express how joyful it is to have spent forty hours with them. When I look up at the sky, I don't see meaningless clusters of water vapour anymore. I see Arcadia. That's how powerful a fantasy is conveyed through these old bitmaps and wav files. Sure, it might not be perfect. The combat can be downright awful and certain dungeons are almost impossible to navigate with so many random encounters. But you don't spend time dwelling on such things when you admire a work. That's what makes you in love, right? It gives your adoration sincerity. To anyone who has ever held a stick and swung it around like a blade, to anyone who has ever worn an eye patch, imitated the Cornwall brogue of Robert newton or simply looked at the setting sun and imagined "what if...?" you owe it to yourself to play this game. As for you, GOG. Your job is straightforward. Convince SEGA to allow it to be sold again. I don't care if they just dump the ISO inside dolphin, bump up the resolution and call it a day, this game should be accessible. There is a generation of people, kids and former kids alike who would adore it if all it took was a computer, five dollars and a little bit of patience.