I got this game on Xbox 360 after seeing the one and only TotalBiscuit's strong endorsements of it. He really adored this game when it released and was pushing for its success.
For the gameplay it has a lot going for it: maps were decently big and dropping in from orbit was a novel way of respawning. The ebb and flow of taking and losing the control points, which gives control of a base to one team or another complete with a suite of built in defenses, provides a constant objective to focus on whether you choose to stay on defense and protect a base or make an offensive to capture another one. Dynamic combat missions further mixed things up with side objectives, some of which provided a permanent bonus for the rest of the match.
Vehicles being delivered by airship anywhere you want them will always be a great sight in any game, reminiscent of that one moment in the first Halo, but that it was happening in a multiplayer game was extra cool to see especially for the era. All with bots for offline/online play (as player fill-ins).
For why I'd like to see it on GOG, availability and (fingers crossed) simplicity in accessing its full features. The Steam version is delisted and while it has some lingering keys around it still requires many hoops to jump through just to run, let alone get nearly the full experience (sans ranked play), due to a reliance on both Games For Windows Live (GFWL) and its own shortlived servers that could be fixed up with a new release.
As it stands across all versions there are a handful of weapon unlocks requiring Ranked play and are thus no longer accessible through normal means, a whole game mode (Skirmish) that required a small token from official servers just to access and even DLC purchased back in the day no longer official activates due to GFWL shutting down most of its services. GFWL is still required to run the game but as a legacy service there's no guarantee today's limited version of GFWL will remain available forever.