I went to college for game design. During my sophomore year, I had an assignment in Twine, and I decided to make a text-based RPG where you play as a dragon.
Fast forward a few weeks and I was running out of steam, struggling to write the last bits I needed to finish the project. I was playing The Headmaster at the time, and saw this game recommended in the Discord server. It seemed like an interesting premise, so I checked it out.
I absolutely fell in love. Not only does it strongly appeal to my own tastes (power dynamics; playing as a villain), but the world is fascinating, with the writing, art, voice acting, and every other aspect at an incredibly high standard of quality. The game has a strong emphasis on player agency, letting you do pretty much whatever you want, and did I mention you play as a dragon? Hell yeah! Playing it set a new standard for h-games for me and it quickly became one of my favorites, giving me the inspiration I needed to finish my school assignment.
A year later, I picked up the game again, once more having a blast exploring the huge amount of sexy content it has. I saw you could apply to be a writer (with a warning about somewhat high standards). Summer break had just started, so on a whim I sent in an application, including the dragon game I had made the year prior.
On June 22, 2022, I joined the team and started working on the project as a volunteer. Since then, I have discovered that not only is the game itself at an unmatched level of quality for its genre, but the people behind it are all absolutely incredible to work with. Everyone involved cares greatly about the project, while being simply delightful human beings. These days my role has expanded a bit, and working on the game became my first job out of college. I could not ask for a better workplace.
The game is incredible, it has a great community, and the people behind it are genuinely wonderful. I can't put into words how fortunate I feel to be a part of it all.