When the PC Port first launched in late 2022 I played the game on Xbox game pass and had roughly ~15 hours on it. I loved the game a lot, the idea that a group of rebels can take back upon the world that's wronged them and to let the perpetrators face their crimes and make them realize the errors of their ways is something that really spoke out to me, for whatever reason. Unfortunately, once I stopped paying for a month of game pass I wanted to own the game through Steam, only for it to have Denuvo on it. When you pay 80 dollars on a video game, you don't expect to "rent it out" like game pass, and much less so for a singleplayer campaign that's online only, so I passed on buying the Steam release. 2 years pass since then and I've never forgotten the amazing journey I went with Joker, Skull and Panther for the ~15 hours I played the game, so I beg you ALTUS RELEASE THE GAME AND I'LL GIVE YOU MONEY PLEASE.