@TheMrLemonadeJanuary 31, 2025
I remember it being bundled with a "Thunderbird" 386 DX 40 and 486 SX 25 in an advertisment in a german computer magazine back in the day. There was also Monkey Island 2 included. I spent endless ours reading through these magazines and it stimulated my imagination in a way that I daydreamed about a lot of the games. I remember the cool looking "gaming" PCs, IBM compatibles with a black monitor for around 2000 DM and it still sticks with me to this day. Later I went on playing endless hours of Mad TV and at first did not understand how to correctly expand my broadcasting, so I was stuck after a while. I came back to the game and beat it lateron. The coherence and magic of the presentation has never been quite met by any other management game and the repertoire of differente movies greated a depth and resemblence to the adult world which enchanted me as a kid and still charmed me when I grew older. An absolutely original and unique game, a true gem, with a totally funny take on the movie industry, with the competitors running around in the same building and the quest for beckys love. A well rounded satire with a lot of charm and quite some depth through the mid game. Reasonably challenging and a well rounded mix of time, money and tv program management. I suppose this game has its issues regarding the copyright of its content, what is a shame, but I'm glad they included the real names and did not care for the potentially endless amount of negotiation to be able to use the names of the shows and movies "legally". I love this game. It would be a great addition to GOGs library. I would love to see it here. It would make GOG more complete. A great memory on par with a lot of the big gems of the 90s.