I still have the original CD, but it doesn't seem to install on modern systems anymore. So if it can be added to GOG and have it working for modern systems, it would be a blessing.
Kohan: Immortal Soverigns is a special game to me. It's slow and very laid back compared to the more micro intensive RTS games, and honestly that's what I love about it. Select a company, send them to an area, and if they come across an enemy, they'll do the fighting for you. Base management is really easy too since it's just one building where you can choose what resources to earn and what perks you want to upgrade. Your companies also gain experience where the more battles they survive and win, the stronger they become. The heroes, or "Kohans" as they are called are my favorite part of the game. Keep them alive and get them as strong as possible for them to learn new abilities to make your armies stronger. There's a lot of them, and you can come up with dozens of company combinations, but be careful. If they die, they reset to zero and have to level up all over again! Well that is an intended mechanic as it is part of the game's lore.
Why do I want this on GOG? It is a game from my childhood that I still have urges to play today. As I get older and my reaction times get slower, this would be the perfect game where I can chill and watch things unfold while still getting a sense of power fantasy fulfillment. A game that I can install on my computer with simple mechanics, a nice story, a map editor, and infinite replay value that I can play without the internet would be an excellent addition to GOG. Just...please make sure it works on modern systems.
Kohan has been asleep for too long. Awaken it, enlighten it, and restore it, so that I can ascend with it! (Only true Kohan fans would notice what I just did with that sentence!)