Yes this was a movie tie in game to a not great Hulk movie. But it actually was way better in comparison. Despite the title, this is actually a sequel to that film. This nailed the character way better both sides perfectly. I would actually say this also gets huge credit for bringing in some of his enemies. I do have a strange rental story. My brother and I took turns trying to finish this Hulk game. We did end up beating the game. I do apologize my memory of that experience being somewhat non existent. This was way better than The Incredible Hulk on Sega Genesis. This still among the greatest Hulk games ever!!! It's mind blowing not a lot of people talk about this game. You get two vastly different styles to make a truly unique experience. Hulk is a game that's much better than expected. You can see the passion the team had for the franchise. This game does deserve to be on GOG. Especially for the fact, it's this great. At the same time a lot of people missed out on it. A game that understands Hulk perfectly.