My favorite part of Forbidden West was how excess resources from hunts get automatically transferred to your stash. Also, you will eventually be able to fly. But I liked the story in Zero Dawn more. Forbidden West isn't bad by any means. Just not quite as good as Zero Dawn. A few story twists I did not agree with. Ended in a half-hearted place. Was surprisingly unstable at launch. Got a lot of Red Circles of Death playing it on a Playstation 4 Pro. Did manage to Platinum, hopefully in time for a tree to get planted, but not eager to grind to completion given it's instability. Could not quite master the new chess-like minigame. And I found one supporting character with an amazing actor attached horribly underutilized. I would have loved a lot more plot involving her and her tragic story. Also, a portion of the game became Playstation 5 exclusive and yet another, a VR2 exclusive. I have yet to get either of those. Need to save to afford a Pro. And not interested in VR2. I can count the number of times I used my expensive VR1 setup on one hand. And I really hate webcams. VR1 requires playing in front of a webcam. I imagine VR2 is the same.