The only Goosebumps game I owned. I had this a long time ago, I still like Goosebumps to a degree. This is based on Attack of the Mutant book. Adam West reprises his role from the episode of the Goosebumps show. You have to take on an group of super villains. You gotta use wits to survive this. I always liked that sick cel shading animation style. The art work is amazingly well done for it's time. Considering GOG has a lot of horror games. Not to mention an Goosebumps game as well. I do think this Goosebumps game could sell well here. A lot of people didn't even knew this existed. I actually gotten my copy from Ollie's Bargain Outlet. I may never finished the game myself. I would love the opportunity to finish what I started. This is heavily comic book theme with a Goosebumps twist. It's mind blowing this game currently isn't available anywhere.