The game is very nostalgic to many of us, especially me, the first time I've played it was at my friends house, we played a PC version of it, and oh boy, it was something.
The game is very unique in it's graphic style and it's creativity, it has pretty long lasting levels, puzzles and the best thing in this game - stuffed animals that are trying to kill you.
The idea of using fluff instead of the blood when you take damage or kill enemies was a very creative idea of not making it bad game for kids.
The soundtrack of this game are on the top tier, each "region", has it's own soundtrack, even boss fights have them!
The best part behind this game is it's community, it's small, but active, trying to revive this old funny looking game and fixing bugs together to have the best experience.
It's a crime that the game didn't get re-released ANYWHERE AT ALL.