When the game came out my dad bought the game for me, but my mom wouldnt let me play it because it was a violent video game, so it went to my dad. However I used to sneak and play it for ages everyday until my mom stopped caring and I was able to get my own copy several years later at a gamestop. I hadn't played anything like it up until that point so nostaglia probably is holding me a bit for it, but I still believe it holds up albiet some segments can be tedious with the puzzles. The map design is good, the combat is fun, the looting can be annoying but still fun, the puzzles can be good if you dont get bored and decide to exploit it using Selkies which I commonly did as I beat the time numerous times. I never got to experience the multiplayer however so I don't know how good that is. Overall its mostly just a nostalgia thing probably, but I still have fun with it when I play it occasionally again.