by Greenwood Entertainment Software GmbH, Kritzelkratz 3000, Phenomedia AG, Encore Software Inc., JoWooD Entertainment AG
Game modes:Single player
Story:The goal in this real-time western strategy game is to become a cattle baron that rules the prairie. Typically, you start with a small ranch that can be extended by breeding herds and trading cattle. Indians, bandits and bounty hunters will be on the look-out, so you need to hire gunslingers in the saloons to protect your property. As the ranch grows into a small community, different buildings can be constructed: houses, cowboy quarters, sheds, storehouses... After a while, you can also build your own towns with banks, hotels, churches, railroads, saloons and a sheriff's office.Show more
I loved that game, even with it´s bugs.
It was unique and no other game brougt that western-feeling, like that game.
I really want to play this game again. I woud pay 100 €!