Running down a mysterious castle corridor with locked doors, that you can kick down, and so many places to explore, that just fills me with the sense of adventure. This sequel is more focused on exploration and action. While it's main goal is to keep giving you that sense of wonder and mystery, yes it has a slightly gloomy atmosphere, but it's to set the tone for you as the hero to try and break the curse of this magical land and rescue the princess. This game is surprisingly big in terms of all the areas that you get to visit. A slight change from the more fantasy & adventure action of the original. But a welcome change to keep the sequel it's own thing. Imagine Dark souls with a cartoon ellipsoid style and locked cinematic camera angles. It doesn't focus as much on the fantasy side as the original did, but much more heavy handed on the action. A few puzzles that are mostly solved on the spot. It's not that difficult in terms of combat, but you might feel overwhelmed with all the areas that you can explore at first, the art is where it shines. It aged really well with a look and feel that is unmatched. This came out during the time when games were shifting towards 3D, and it's as if it was unfazed by that movement, and making the game in a way that they wanted to with ellipsoid characters that are very expressively animated giving your imagination a large canvas to draw apon as to what these creatures really looked like. The controls are what we now refer to as tank controls, and there is a slight auto targeting worked into the code to let your character assist just ever so slightly with making sure you hit your intended target. And boy does this game hit the target. With a lot of new games using a older art style with nostalgic emulated color palettes and less is more art direction, this game will surprise gamers with it's charm and remind us all about what games are meant to be about. Fun.