1996... Those were the good old days. Back the I dreamt of having my first low-end PC. To achieve that i went to work in a hospital with a friend during summer break. I was still a minor back then, so my options were limited. The reason for going through the whole thing? Yep, you guessed it - Dungeon Master 2.
Morning till afternoon at work and evening spent on playing this game on my friend's coomputer. That was the highlight after a day's job. Hunting giant lizards and bats, fighting spectres, thieving Vikings, whirlwinds, worms, wolves and flying magic minions. Then opening the Skullkeep tower, going up the tower, solving riddles, leveling up, until the final battle with Dragoth. Climatic music, unique rune spellcasting system. We leveled up pretty high, getting ours fighter, wizard and priest skills to MON Master. Only the grandmaster rank is higher.
I still have my originnal CD published by CD Proojekt, when the were sttarting with localizing games. I still have my saves and I still have that need to go back and level up to grand master.
Ah... the good old days.