Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin actually was the one DS Castlevania game I wanted to play for a long time. Then out of no where came Castlevania Dominus Collection. This was a sequel to Castlevania: Bloodlines. Which still among my favorite Castlevania games ever!!! I previously knew they went over board with 100% completion. Each map has it's own 100% completion making the entire game an 1000% completion. On the surface knowing that might turn people off. I can promise you surprisingly it's well balanced. They kept things quite interesting to help with repetitiveness. This Castlevania game really packing content big time. You get a mind blowing amount of stuff. Easily one of my favorite boss lineups in an Castlevania game. The art style quite impressive. The audio as a whole really great stuff. Usually you get an alternative version of the campaign as another character. Well there exists three alternative versions of the campaign. You get Eric's daughters in a prequel story to the game. You get Richter mode that also includes Maria I felt was way better than Richter mode in Symphony of the Night. Oddly you can unlock the secret joke character, Old Axe Armor I'm not kidding. All these characters can be played in Boss Rush mode as well. This was a truly ambitious DS Castlevania game. At one point nearly became my favorite metroidvania Castlevania game. This felt like a great sequel to another great Castlevania game. Everything that's done in Bloodlines done way better here. This Castlevania game going to keep you busy for a long time.