Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance may have some huge problems. Still a truly fantastic Castlevania game. The team wanted to recreate Castlevania: Symphony of the Night onto Game Boy Advance. Which is exactly why it's strikingly similar to that Castlevania game. You still get two massive castles to explore. Except you are force to explore both of them at the same time. This is due to two souls fighting over one body concept. One castle is in the world of the living with the other castle in the spirit world. Just like Symphony of the Night, there's plenty notable changes between the two castles. Thus getting stuck or simply lost is a huge problem. The merchant is in several locations instead of one set location. Plus the spell books can easily become overpowered. You can stock up 99 of every time especially health items. In virtually everyway possible way a surprisingly easy Castlevania game. It's even easier than Super Castlevania IV. You get a huge lineup of bosses between the two castles. You can play as Maxim that has a triple jump with a few moves exclusive to him. Unfortunately they failed to mention you have to defeat the bosses to unlock the final boss fight. Boss Rush mode is easily the best mode in the entire game. Partly due to a code to play as classic Simon Belmont. But also you can play as Juste and Maxim in this mode. Difficulty is more or less how many bosses you wanna face that's it. The true final boss is way too easy even without the other stuff I mentioned. Simply get right behind him and keep attacking to win that's it. I should also mention the soundtrack isn't perfect. Parts of the art style works while character models seems a bit out of place. Technically speaking this is a sequel to Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest. Thankfully this is way better than that. Despite the problems I still really enjoyed this Castlevania game.