Game modes:Single player, Co-operative, Multiplayer
Story:In the game, each player controls one of the two Bubble Dragons, Bub and Bob. The player can move along platforms, as well as jump to those above and to the side, similar to most platform games.
The player can also blow bubbles. These can trap enemies, who are defeated if the bubble is then burst by the player's spiny back. Bubbles that contain enemies can be popped at the same time resulting in different foods being projected around the level. Each enemy trapped in a bubble equates to a different food. Food is consumed and transferred to points (an increasing scale of 1000 points is awarded for each enemy burst in tandem with another meaning: one enemy burst equals one food item worth 1000 points, two enemies burst equals two food items worth 1000 and 2000 points, three enemies burst equals three food items worth 1000, 2000 and 4000 points, and so on), which results in earning lives. These same bubbles also float for a time before bursting, and can be jumped on, allowing access to otherwise inaccessible areas. Players progress to the next level once all enemies on the current level are defeated.
Enemies turn "angry" — becoming pink-colored and moving faster — if they are the last enemy remaining, escape from a bubble after being left too long or a certain amount of time has been spent on the current level. A monster will also become angry if either player collects a skull (the only negative item in the game), and the monster is hit by the resulting comet crossing the screen (however, this is a rare occurrence).
After a further time limit expires, an additional invincible enemy appears for each player, actively chasing them using only vertical and horizontal movements. These do not need to be defeated to complete the level, and disappear once a player's life is lost.
Contact with enemies and their projectiles (rocks, lasers, fireballs, etc.) results in death.Show more
Besides "The Great Giana Sisters" and "Golden Axe" the Game i played the most during my early school years an a Commodore 64. First in a youth club aroud the corner, later at home. It was one of the first multiplayergames i enjoyed and layed the basis for my fondness of single screen platformers. While writing this i just got an earworm by remembering the music.
Ce jeu m'a procuré quelques-uns des meilleurs moments de jeu vidéo de ma vie. A deux contre les monstres à leur balancer des bulles, c'était vraiment top. Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais ce jeu a un truc en plus. J'y jouais sur Atari ST.