Dragon Quarter is a misunderstood masterpiece. The game is a dramatic departure from the usual Breath of Fire conventions, but still retains the spirit of Breath of Fire in other ways. The game's setting, a dystopian underground where the less fortunate live deeper and thus have access to less clean air, was very interesting and gave the game a really oppressive atmosphere that tied well with the very challenging gameplay. This game was roguelite before roguelites were cool (and before it was even a term). The game encourages dungeon crawling, strategic turn-based combat, and restarting the game to improve your subsequent runs. Despite the restarts, you're always getting more powerful with better equipment, spells, and items/zenny you've stored away. Replaying the game rewards you with additional cutscenes that reveal more of the story and gives you access to new areas. Ryu, Nina, and Lin all handle differently and understanding their strengths and weaknesses is a critical part of succeeding in combat. Ryu's D-Dive ability in which he transforms into a half-dragon is absolutely OP, but comes with the cost of increasing your D-Counter, and if that hits 100%, it's game over. So yes, there's a "time limit" of sorts but it ties perfectly to the game's plot and Ryu's character, and so long as you're using your powers strategically you won't have to worry too much.
I first got DQ for my 14th birthday and I admittedly couldn't get into it. 3 years later, I gave it another chance and I fell in love with it. Once you take the time to understand the strategies, use field traps, and find the ways to easily make zenny and party XP (XP that carries over each playthrough), it becomes incredibly satisfying to play. To everyone who couldn't get into this game, give it another chance. In a gaming sphere that now embraces roguelites and dungeon crawlers, I think it would be more readily accepted. Oh, and it's got music composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto, so you've gotta play it. ;)