Aliens: Colonial Marines is a follow-up to the 1992 film Alien 3. This is the story of the rescue team sent to search for the USS Sulaco and the team of marines, along with one civilian advisor, Ellen Ripley, that went missing 17 weeks prior to the game start.
This game recreates the look and feel of the 1986 film Aliens better than any other game in the franchise, because it specifically aimed to. The Aliens Versus Predator series, while amazing and astounding and highly enjoyable, always took you to places inspired by Hadley's Hope, Inspired, kinda sorta looks like, something that would exist in that world. I like expanding the universe and seeing things from it that weren't in the movies, BUT it was always my dream to return to Hadley's Hope, THE setting of Aliens. To explore it, to explore the Sulaco, I really did feel like I was back in that same place that I'd watched in a movie dozens of time since I was a kid. The main story is engaging enough, I liked the characters. O'Neal and Bella are standouts.
Critics knocked the game for bad enemy AI, which was apparently the result of a developer typo in the game scripting. There are 3rd party mods that fix this. I never really noticed it. I always found it challenging and fun. Game has nice variety, I never felt like I was doing exactly the same thing for too long. New xenomorph mutations that were a result of the radiation of the atmosphere generator exploding keep the enemy types varied. The MP maps are fun, just load them up and try to survive waves of enemies. This game is total wish fullfillment.
Michael Biehn and Lance Henriksen reprise their roles from Aliens, although Henriksen's Bishop is a different character to the orginal Bishop, although they are the same model android. During the game's creation 20 Century Fox said this new story was officially considered canon lore. After the game's poor critical reception and poor sales performance, Fox said this isn't canon. Lol. Canon is whatever you want.