This was the game that convinced me to buy a Saturn before a PlayStation. I was working my first job, at Toys R Us, and the Saturn had recently come down in price. On my lunch break, I was flipping through a games magazine that had been removed from the shelves as too old. I saw a full page ad for this game. I tore the ad out and waited. I bought my Saturn that weekend and when this game finally released, I anxiously watched the tickets (you took a ticket to a counter after you paid to get games, they were locked up), hoping no one snagged it since my store got only one copy. I bought it as soon as I clocked out for the day and, at first, no one in the back could find it. It got mis-shelved but eventually, we found it and I was so happy. I'd not played an RPG since Final Fantasy 3 (Yes, it was '6' but the SNES cart said 3, we didn't know that yet.) and Chrono Trigger and this one made me so happy. I miss this game (Saturn is in storage) and would love to be able to play it again on modern hardware.