Nox Archaist
Nox Archaist: Lord of Storms
Nox Archaist
An 8-bit RPG modeled after the iconic games of the 1980s. You control a party of adventurers who travel the Realm, talk to NPCs in towns and castles, explore dungeons, and fight monsters as you seek to save the world from a terr...
An 8-bit RPG modeled after the iconic games of the 1980s. You control a party of adventurers who travel the Realm, talk to NPCs in towns and castles, explore dungeons, and fight monsters as you seek to save the world from a terrible danger.
Key Features
60+ hours of gameplay
Complex storyline and open world
Fast character creation and in-game tutorial
Hundreds of non-player characters to talk to
Created on an Apple II computer, for faithful reproduction of 8-bit graphics
You have learned of Lord Estintar’s suspicions that the cult has something to do with the increase in storm activity. He charges you with investigating. The task will not be easy, but you accept this duty. Your quest will take you to uncharted reaches of the Isles of Wynmar. Traps, puzzles, and powerful magic items await, which may or may not be able to help you. Those brave and foolish enough to face these perils will come face to face with the Lord of Storms!
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