Welcome to LYNX, the solar system’s leader in spaceship salvaging!
We offer you the privilege of helping turn humanity’s past into its future by salvaging ships in zero-g. Each one is a puzzle, and how you solve it is up to you! Carve your way in, salvage everything, and maximize you...
Welcome to LYNX, the solar system’s leader in spaceship salvaging!
We offer you the privilege of helping turn humanity’s past into its future by salvaging ships in zero-g. Each one is a puzzle, and how you solve it is up to you! Carve your way in, salvage everything, and maximize your profit.
Our cutting-edge LYNX tech helps you do the job. Slice metal with the laser cutter and use the grapple tool to move salvage with ease. Earn upgrades, such as demo charges, sensors, and safety gear.
Careful where you point those tools! Hazards include explosive decompression, fuel, electricity, and radiation. Your life is protected by our EverWork™ technology, but our profits aren’t.
Your LYNX adventure starts now! Account balance owing is:
1,252,594,441.92 Credits
Start paying that debt! Good luck, shipbreaker!
Experience daily life as a blue-collar spaceship salvager
Cut and destroy at will in a next-gen physics sim
Salvage through a compelling campaign, relax in freeplay, or compete in timed challenges
Explore a variety of ship types with unlimited variations
Upgrade tools and gear to take on bigger and harder ships
Häufige Erfolge
Einatmen, ausatmen
Fülle O2 auf
Es wird heiß!
Erleide Feuerschaden
Benutze ein Anzug-Flickzeug
No Niños
Schließe das Tutorial ab
Standard Edition
Game + OST + Artbook Bundle
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Soundtrack (FLAC)
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