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Dino Crisis

in der Bibliothek
Deutsch, English & 4 weitere
Warum bei GOG.COM kaufen?
DRM-FREI. Keine Aktivierung oder Internetverbindung zum Spielen erforderlich.
Sicherheit und Zufriedenheit. Kundendienst rund um die Uhr und volle Rückerstattungen für bis zu 30 Tage.
Dino Crisis
The only thing louder than the dinosaurs' roars were the voices of gamers worldwide demanding the return of a survival horror classic.We've listened – and now, the legendary Dino Crisis is back, fully playable on modern PCs.Thanks to the tremendous efforts of Capcom and GOG, Regina’s iconic line,...
{{ review.content.title }}
Details zum Produkt
2000, Capcom / GOG, ESRB-Einstufung: Mature 17+...
Win10/Win11, 2.0 GHz, 2 GB, 100% compatible with DirectX 9.0c, 600 MB...
6.5 hHauptspiel
8.5 h Hauptspiel + Nebenquests
10 h Komplettist
7 h Alle Spielstile

The only thing louder than the dinosaurs' roars were the voices of gamers worldwide demanding the return of a survival horror classic.

We've listened – and now, the legendary Dino Crisis is back, fully playable on modern PCs.

Thanks to the tremendous efforts of Capcom and GOG, Regina’s iconic line, 'You’re extinct!' no longer applies to the game itself. The timeless thriller that defined a generation of gamers is made to last forever, enhanced for today’s systems, featuring all the original content you loved with numerous improvements.

The wait is over. Dino Crisis has been resurrected. And…

It will totally consume you. All of you.

Three years ago. A scientist died in an accident during an experiment. His research was on “Third Energy,” a completely clean energy source. The accident occurred just as government funding had been cut off because the project was deemed unfeasible. To the public, it was nothing more than an insignificant piece of information. Until now.

An agent dispatched to a small country in the South Seas to investigate a top-secret military project brought back surprising information. At a military research facility in the Republic of Borginia, a scientist who was supposed to have died three years ago in our country has resumed his research activities in the field of Third Energy. Regina, a member of the government's spy team, was tasked with retrieving the doctor.

She heads to the isolated island of Ibis, where the military facility is located. The dark elite are trained for every conceivable challenge. For them, it is just another “job” as usual…


Here’s how we ensured that this masterpiece is better than ever and what you can expect with GOG’s version of the game:

  • Full compatibility with Windows 10 and Windows 11
  • All 6 localizations of the game included (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Japanese)
  • Original, Arrange, and Operation Wipe Out modes included
  • Improved DirectX game renderer
  • New rendering options (Windowed Mode, Vertical Synchronization Control, Gamma Correction, Integer Scaling, Anti-Aliasing, and more)
  • Increased rendering resolution to ~4K (1920p) and color depth to 32-bit.
  • Improved geometry calculation, more stable transformation and texturing.
  • Improved alpha transparency
  • Improved game registry settings
  • Issue-free animation, video, and music playback
  • Issue-free saving (the game no longer corrupts save files after leaving dropped weapons)
  • Full support for modern controllers (Sony DualSense, Sony DualShock4, Microsoft Xbox Series, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Switch, Logitech F series and many more) with optimal button binding regardless of the hardware, hotplugging and wireless mode


  • Windows 10とWindows 11との完全な互換性の実現
  • 全6言語版への対応(英語、ドイツ語、フランス語、イタリア語、スペイン語、日本語)
  • Original、Arrange、Operation Wipe Outの3モードに対応
  • DirectXゲームレンダラーの調整
  • 新しい画面描画オプションの追加(ウィンドウモード、垂直同期コントロール、ガンマ補正、整数スケーリング、アンチエイリアシングほか)
  • レンダリング解像度を~4K(1920p)、色深度を32ビットまでアップグレード
  • ジオメトリの計算を改善し、トランスフォーメーションとテクスチャ処理を安定化
  • アルファ透明処理の改善
  • ゲームのレジストリ設定の調整
  • アニメーション、映像、楽曲の再生まわりの改善
  • セーブ機能の改善(武器を手放して放置した場合にセーブデータが破損しないよう修正)
  • メジャーなコントローラー(Sony DualSense、Sony DualShock4、Microsoft Xbox Series、Microsoft Xbox One、Microsoft Xbox 360、Nintendo Switch、Logitech Fシリーズほか多数)にホットプラグ機能やワイヤレスモードも含めて完全対応し、コントローラーごとに最適なボタン配置を提供

Let’s go back in time to the PlayStation 1 era and reminisce about how Dino Crisis was presented to gamers back in 1999:

Raw Instinct takes over in this new, adrenaline-pumping journey into Survival Horror. Something is terribly wrong. Your covert mission to infiltrate an isolated research compound has gone haywire… now you find yourself pursued by a relentless, prehistoric terror. Suddenly, your mission becomes a desperate fight for survival.


アドレナリン全開のサバイバル・ホラーを支配するのは本能のみ。どこで歯車が狂ってしまったのか… 隔離された研究施設に潜入するという極秘任務が、まったく異なる様相を見せ始めた。容赦なく迫りくる、原始の恐怖。突如として、任務は生き残りをかけた絶望的な戦いに変貌を遂げる。


  • Revolutionary 3D engine
  • Realistic animal movements have been rigorously mimicked
  • Character drips blood after being attacked
  • Intense dinosaur blasting action with loads of weapons
  • Dinosaurs chase you from room to room bursting through doors and windows
  • Feel the anticipation increase when the screen shakes as the T-Rex gets closer


  • 革新的な3Dエンジン
  • リアルな動物の動きを忠実に再現
  • キャラクターが攻撃を受けた際の流血描写
  • 多様な武器を用いた対恐竜アクション
  • 扉や窓を突き破って迫りくる恐竜たち
  • ティラノサウルスの接近にあわせて振動する画面が恐怖を増大

The terror is alive! Can you survive?

Operation Wipe Out Internet is a fully offline mode. Player score in this game mode is stored locally.


Warum bei GOG.COM kaufen?
DRM-FREI. Keine Aktivierung oder Internetverbindung zum Spielen erforderlich.
Sicherheit und Zufriedenheit. Kundendienst rund um die Uhr und volle Rückerstattungen für bis zu 30 Tage.
6.5 hHauptspiel
8.5 h Hauptspiel + Nebenquests
10 h Komplettist
7 h Alle Spielstile
Läuft auf:
Windows (10, 11)
{{'2000-05-01T00:00:00+03:00' | date: 'longDate' : ' +0300 ' }}
474 MB
ESRB-Einstufung: Mature 17+ (Violence, Blood and Gore)


GOG Preservation Program
Wir lassen Spiele ewig leben! Seit 2008 verbessern wir gute, alte Spiele, um Kompatibilität mit modernen Systemen und Komfort zu gewährleisten. Und dies auch, wenn die ursprünglichen Entwickler das Spiel nicht mehr unterstützen.
  1. Dieses Spiel funktioniert mit den gängigen aktuellen und zukünftigen Windows-PC-Konfigurationen. Ohne DRM.
  2. Dies ist die beste Version dieses Spiels, die du auf PC-Plattformen kaufen kannst.
  3. Wir sind die einzige Plattform, die technischen Support für die von uns verkauften Spiele anbietet. Sollten Probleme mit dem Spiel auftreten, hilft Ihnen unser technischer Support, diese zu lösen.
Wir haben die folgenden Verbesserungen an diesem Spiel vorgenommen:
1.0 hotfix2 changelog:
  • Fixed incompatibilities with some third-party overlays which resulted in the "Additional main memory needed" error message.
1.0 hotfix changelog:
  • Improved support for controller hotplugging.
  • Added full support for Sony DualSense Edge, Amazon Luna, Google Stadia, and NVIDIA Shield controllers.
  • Full compatibility with Windows 10 and Windows 11.
  • All 6 localizations of the game included (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Japanese).
  • Original, Arrange, and Operation Wipe Out modes included.
  • Improved DirectX game renderer.
  • New rendering options (Windowed Mode, Vertical Synchronization Control, Gamma Correction, Integer Scaling, Anti-Aliasing, and more).
  • Increased rendering resolution to approximately 4K (1920p) and color depth to 32-bit.
  • Improved geometry calculation with more stable transformation and texturing.
  • Enhanced alpha transparency.
  • Improved game registry settings.
  • Smooth animation, video, and music playback without issues.
  • Reliable saving system (the game no longer corrupts save files after leaving dropped weapons).
  • Full support for modern controllers (Sony DualSense, Sony DualShock 4, Microsoft Xbox Series, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Switch, Logitech F series, etc.) with optimal button mapping for both wired and wireless modes, including hot plugging.
  • Validated stability.
  • Added Cloud Saves support.
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