The Deluxe Edition gives you the entire Citizen Sleeper experience - the dice-driven RPG game where you must get a ship, find a crew, and take on contracts while you navigate across the Starward Belt, the Sleeper's Sketchbook, and the Original Soundtrack by composer Amos Roddy.
Citizen Sleeper 2:...
The Deluxe Edition gives you the entire Citizen Sleeper experience - the dice-driven RPG game where you must get a ship, find a crew, and take on contracts while you navigate across the Starward Belt, the Sleeper's Sketchbook, and the Original Soundtrack by composer Amos Roddy.
Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector
A dice-driven RPG, in a human and heartfelt sci-fi world. You are an escaped android, with a malfunctioning body, a price on your head and no memory of your past. Get a ship, find a crew, and take on contracts while you navigate across the Starward Belt.
The Sleeper's Sketchbook
The Sleeper's Sketchbook collects some of the many sketches Guillaume Singelin did for the characters of Citizen Sleeper 2. We have avoided major spoilers and returning characters from Citizen Sleeper, as we'd like you to discover them in the game itself.
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