After the devastating Red Stone War, the world is divided into three regions: the mutant infested outside grounds, the Undercity where people have fled to seek refuge from mutants, and the sky city Esperanza where the rich and powerful rule over the world.
Fight against the corrupt...
After the devastating Red Stone War, the world is divided into three regions: the mutant infested outside grounds, the Undercity where people have fled to seek refuge from mutants, and the sky city Esperanza where the rich and powerful rule over the world.
Fight against the corrupt military of Esperanza as part of the resistance force of the Undercity. Bring the corrupt to justice by becoming stronger and fighting alongside your trusty comrades.
Blade Assault is a 2D action rogue-lite platformer with beautiful pixel art set in a desolate sci-fi world. The game features tight, responsive controls and a cast of charming characters. Playable characters have various transformable weapons that they use to battle against their enemies. Weapons can be further customized by different “Cores” and “Transform Upgrades” that appear randomly during gameplay.
Satisfying fast-paced combat. Utilizing diverse skills, dodging enemy attacks by dashing, launching projectiles, slashing away mobs of enemies. Your attacks change according to the “Cores” you select and the upgrades you decide to take on your runs.
Meet NPCs and find upgrades along your quest to unlock unique powers. Each playable character has their own weapons of choice kept in their own armory.
Häufige Erfolge
Ratmotan Joe
Besiege Ratmotan, den Boss von Kapitel 2.
Der Ballermann mit neuem Namen
Besiege Mac, den Boss von Kapitel 1.
Eine fremde Zimmerdecke
Du wachst in Hanks Zimmer auf, nachdem du von Esperanza auf die Erde herabfällst.
Eine vertraute Zimmerdecke
Du wachst nach deinem ersten Tod in Hanks Zimmer auf.
Standard Edition
Soundtrack Bundle
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