Includes the base game, AI War: Fleet Command, and the DLC Pack consisting of: AI War: The Zenith Remnant, AI War: Children of Neinzul, AI War: Light of the Spire, AI War: Ancient Shadows, AI War: Vengeance Of The Machine, and AI War: Destroyer of Worlds.
Go forth into the galaxy, steal AI technolo...
Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10, 1.6Ghz CPU, 2 GB RAM, Graphics card must support 1024x1024 textures...
AI War: DLC Pack
Includes the base game, AI War: Fleet Command, and the DLC Pack consisting of: AI War: The Zenith Remnant, AI War: Children of Neinzul, AI War: Light of the Spire, AI War: Ancient Shadows, AI War: Vengeance Of The Machine, and AI War: Destroyer of Worlds.
Go forth into the galaxy, steal AI technology, recapture those planets you must in order to achieve your ends, and save what remains of humanity. But draw too much attention to yourself, and the full might of the AI overlords will come crashing down.
The inattention of the larger AI is our only hope: a small resistance, too insignificant even to be noticed by the AI central command, has survived. These are the forces you will command. The AI subcommanders will fight you to the death when they see you -- but your glimmer of opportunity comes from quietly subduing those subcommanders without alerting central processing to the danger until it's too late.
Humanity has already fought its war against the machines -- and lost. In this modern RTS classic, it's your job to win the ultimate David vs Goliath battle.
Some of the most unique AI ever seen in the genre, set in procedurally-generated galaxies with 50,000+ ships in them.
A unique blend of 4X and grand strategy thinking at the galaxy-map level with RTS mechanics and tactics at the planetary level.
Copyright 2009-2014 Arcen Games, LLC
Standard Edition
AI War Collection
AI War prototype
AI War early public version
AI War: The Zenith Remnant
AI War: Children of Neinzul
AI War: Ancient Shadows
AI War: Destroyer of Worlds
AI War: Light of the Spire
AI War: Vengeance Of The Machine
Empfohlene Systemanforderungen:
Bitte beachte, dass Windows 10 nach seiner Veröffentlichung regelmäßige Aktualisierungen der Hardware- und Softwaretreiber erhalten wird; dies kann die Kompatibilität mit einzelnen Spielen beeinflussen.
Empfohlene Systemanforderungen:
Bitte beachte, dass Windows 10 nach seiner Veröffentlichung regelmäßige Aktualisierungen der Hardware- und Softwaretreiber erhalten wird; dies kann die Kompatibilität mit einzelnen Spielen beeinflussen.
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