ShadowWulfe: So I snagged the pro version, is it advisable to run the tutorial? (is there a tutorial?)
There isn't a tutorial as such, but I've included lots of helpful information (especially about the various keyboard shortcuts and modifiers) in the Status Bar at the bottom of the window. Hopefully it's all fairly intuitive after a bit of playing around and experimentation with the menus.
I think the least clear part is probably that you can hold <space> to open the brush menu and also hold middle/right mouse over the toolbar to scroll it. I'll have a think about how to further improve that.
Other than that - always remember that fundamentally this is just a (basic) art package, so draw whatever looks right to you :-)
If you have any questions then I'm happy to help. Either post here, or on
my own forum or
contact page.
Thanks for the support!