Dartpaw86: For a long while I have played Wizardry, but I lost my save, and gave up for a while before starting a new one, so I played Might and Magic for a few months straight. Which has a completely different interface.
Now getting back into Wizardly I've forgotten the controls and in turn find it really awkward to get back into ^^;
Anyone else have a similar problem?
Sometimes it does take a while to adjust to a different game.
The time I most recently notice this was going from Ys Origin (IIRC, I could be mistaken) with a side of Crimzon Clover to Elminage Gothic.
Here it wasn't the controls that were different, but rather the fact that the gameplay is completely different. The Ys games and Crimzon Clover are fast paced games that use collision-based combat and where dodging is a huge part of the gameplay. (I could argue that bullet hell games are largely based on dodging rather then shooting.) Elminage Gothic, however, is a turn based game like the early Wizardries and is therefore much slower paced. No dodging needed here because the game uses dice rolls rather than collisions to determine whether attacks hit.
So, that took a bit of an adjustment, but afterwords, I was able to enjoy the game.
I have had control related issues before, but I can't remember any off hand.
Actually, it sometimes happens when playing PlayStation games. Japanese releases and early US releases use O for confirm and X for cancel, but for most US releases it's the other way around.