trusteft: ok, I have news.
the system has an Atom D2550 CPU, 4GB of RAM, XP32, 256GB SSD, a DVDRW(just messing with you), and for GPU it has onboard a Radeon 7410.
The game installed and patched ok.
The game run and I started a new game. Mind you I haven't played the game on my main PC yet.
Now, at first the performance wasn't that good. I checked the options and texture resolution was eighth and everything was off. The game was running full screen and the resolution option showed 1024x768. motion blur on, everything else off.
The game was very slow, but playable. I was ready to accept that.
BUT I didn't.
I went to the options again and tried to change a few things. The "tick" boxes are awful cause I wasn't sure when something was checked or it was checked for the opposite.
ANYWAY, I turned off motion blur and I made sure I changed the resolution to 720p Yes, that's higher in theory. BUT, the thing is I am pretty sure the game was not running at 1024x768 as it said in the box.
With these new settings, ie motion blur off and resolution at 720p, the game runs fine. Sure it's not great, but it is far more than tolerable/playable. It's just an ugly (low res textures, shadows off etc) visual show, but it runs just fine.
Dual core atom ftw. lol
Impressive! Nice work.
I play the game on a 8-core CPU and a 3GB GPU and I also turn off motion blur. It just makes the game *feel* slower.
Motion blur is a bad thing in general, I don't know that it has any particular use except to mask the 30fps limit on many consoles. I don't know, I just turn it off. Games look and feel far better without it, apparently from the Atom to the FX8350