OldFatGuy: Here it is, (screenshot).
tinyE: On Realistic mode, when your using a float, do you just see the hook in the top right corner?
This is a bitch if I can't see the float.
There's a setting under options where you make the float look bigger (up to 200% IIRC) or, do what I did and buy the much bigger floats. But yeah, especially that first one that you get is hard to see sometimes. But I do okay with the ones I'm using now. Of course I only have 1 level of Strength so I'm not casting out over 100 feet. I suppose if you're casting further than that it would get difficult to see no matter what size you had. I think casting further than that was meant for bottom fishing or fishing with lures. I do okay not casting further than that I think. I've caught some nice fish.
But anyway the easiest and quickest way to see it better is to go to Options, scroll down, and you'll see a box with float size and click in there somewhere to increase it's size and if you go all the way to the right I think it increases it 200%. (screenshot)
Oh, to answer your question, yeah, the only thing you see in the upper right hand corner is the hook (and bait you're using). Does it show the float and when it['s moving in standard mode up there?