dohh2008: I just finished the whole story in ''new game +'' mode and the DLC heart of stone. Level69. Not sure how many times I had to re-open the game when it crash...again again and again...sigh
Just for the sake of reference, I've been on AMD Catalysts since the game shipped (15.11b now), have about 90 hours in, have the DLC installed and am running 1.11, and haven't crashed to desktop yet. I've played as long as 8 hours straight without a crash. Not even once, IIRC. Check your mods if any--uninstall them and if that doesn't help, make sure you have all system clocks running at default speeds (no overclocking of cpu, gpu or ram at all), and if none of that helps try installing an earlier GPU driver. I am running Windows 10x64 1511, build 10586.3 and running an R9 380 4GB and I have the game set to load textures into GPU ram @ 2GB. I have actually been floored by just how stable the game is for me--running most options at "Ultra" or beyond @1920x1200 and even 2560x1600 VSR. Good luck!
Edit: Wanted to add that I have never used Galaxy, and would advise anyone to stay clear of it as GOG has a lot of bug-fixing to do for it yet.