green.anger: Hey, danteszzz, it looks like you're on every thread about hardware specs! Would you probably help me out, as I haven't read/seen much about NVidia technology for a long time? Does all of the NVidia GameWorks stuff can work on a separate card, or is it applicable only to Physics? I've got 560ti dedicated to Physics, how will it benefit me with TW3?
I can explain this myself quickly. Think of GameWorks as a collective name for NVidia technology on a number of platforms. PhysX is one of the main branches of GameWork, it is a physics solution for game engines, think of something like an add-on for certain engines to provide, let's say, realistic particle effects. It is not integrated to your card as it is a software your card utilizes, some more advanced cards to a fuller extent than others.
One of the main setbacks in my opinion is the hardware restriction as they are only beneficial on NVidia systems, but then again this is how they sell things nowadays.